Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Getting back on the blog wagon

My dear readers,

I apologize for my awful blogging habits. This is one thing I have a terrible time committing too. I am working inside myself to repair this behaviour. Enough said.

What should I inform you of? There is too much. Nothing exciting, but those who know me will admit that I have numerous ideas that spark and fly from my mind. I love to speculate about everything, even if I have no chance of understanding the nature of the thing. So I will just write about the first two things that I think of.

Work. It has never been as comfortable as it is now. I knew this would occur. Time refines our skills and pacifies our anxiety. When I think of time's steady harvest, I cannot help but be excited. Who I will be in 20 years thrills me. Who you will be in 20 years thrills me. What the world will become in 20 years thrills me. Call me an optimist.

Experience is our research, our data. The more we have, the better conclusions we can arrive at, the better inventions that will result. Of course not everyone triumphs here. Victory is for the integral, the patient, the wise, the passionate, the loving. Luckily my parents, my friends, my community, and God have been teaching me these since I entered this world. I am beyond grateful.

Where I meant to go with this is that I'm sad I might have to leave this comfort. My future seems headed for a Master's degree in Counseling - likely at my old school. I don't know why I have not thought about this direction for many years. When I was a child, I considered counseling as a profession, but thought I was not emotionally suited. Now I am a different man and I have learned to build some reasonable boundaries. This profession has also been embedded in my character since I have known myself. Nothing is closer to my heart. So I think I will begin this new journey soon.

Winter. I'm going to take a mental record of my Winter moods henceforth. Maybe it is my physiological response to the Sun's dimness, but my energy this Winter fell hard. I have not been active, which is one reason I have not been able to give you all some "Epic Adventures" :( The other reason is that I was emotionally hamstrung. Part of it must be the season, part of it homesickness (esp. during Christmas), another part I will keep to myself. Maybe part of it is how cold we keep our house. 17 degrees usually.

Anyways, I can fell myself thawing out. I have been more active in the last few weeks and can't wait to start going out more and taking more pictures for all you Facebook friends. Last weekend Tyler and I went to the highest building in Seoul with a couple students. There was a 'sky' motif art center at the top. It was so fun!

Well, I hope to share more stories and thoughts with you, and I hope to write them more than quarterly... :D


Anonymous said...

As long as we stay friends there should be more to blog about you DB! Ex. finally climb that dang mountain in March; a couple weekender trips in April (perhaps Busan); Jeju in May; Japan in June???

Steph said...

i anticipate your next blog greatly!
and i'm down with the plans Ty! let's do it!

M Quiring said...

Gooooooo Team Korea!!!!!

Matt said...

yea mike blogged!